Flexible staff planning for a flexible workforce
You are tasked with assigning employees to different functions, work times and assignment locations. Since no two projects are alike and no client is like another, Staffcloud staff planning offers maximum flexibility from the start. Interactive planning takes employees into account at every step - from invitation to definitive confirmation.

Time Tracking
We have the perfect way to track work data for every type of work. Staffcloud offers you four options to track your employees’ work data, such as work data proposals, check-in and check-out, or live stamps submitted directly via the app from an employee’s smartphone. We are happy to help you choose the right technology for you.

Employee App
The app lets your employees easily sign up for jobs and see exactly where and when they are assigned to work. All communication is managed through the internal communications system.

Data Management
In order to meet your clients' needs with the highest possible quality standards, your staff needs profound knowledge as well as feedback. The internal rating system helps you find out which employees need help acquiring more knowledge in certain areas of expertise.

When recruiting temporary staff or flexible employees, there is often not much time. Castings, information events or personal interviews form the first part of the process. Planning them can be done entirely in Staffcloud. Invite applicants to castings or interviews and offer them different dates to choose from.

Comprehensive Staff Briefing
Comprehensive staff briefing regarding the next assignment for your stage crew and technicians is key to a successful event. It is therefore important to make communication and work time reporting as simple as possible.
Keeping Track of Everyone and Everything
On a match day or during a concert, staff numbers can be significant, and everyone needs to be accounted for. To ensure everything runs smoothly on the big day, effective communication and work time reporting processes need to be in place.
Keep track of everyone at work with the Team Leader app
Is my entire team at work and has everyone clocked in? One look at the Team Leader app, and you're in the know. Should a team member be absent, line managers can contact them effortlessly through the app's interface. Plus, team leads can manage time tracking for the entire team.

Stay in touch with your employees
The app lets your employees easily sign up for jobs and see exactly where and when they are assigned to work. All communication is managed through the internal communications system.

Digital signatures for work time approval
The work is done, now all that is left is for the customer to approve the worksheets. Say goodbye to paper clutter; simply invite customers to digitally sign off on work hours – one by one or in groups. Both parties will promptly receive a PDF containing the approved work times in their inboxes.