Unlock the Full Potential of Your Flexible Workforce
and say goodbye to Excel, WhatsApp and conventional shift planning tools.
Simplify your complex schedules
Simplify your complex schedules
Flexible staff scheduling requires many process steps. Staffcloud simplifies your staff planning. Regardless of the size of the team and the duration of the assignment.
Recognize vacancies and fill open positions
Recognize vacancies and fill open positions
You can see at a glance where there are vacancies and can fill these vacancies with the right employees. This also means seeing immediately who has the right qualifications or a low workload.
One channel for all your communication needs
One channel for all your communication needs
Keeping in touch with your team via Whatsapp and email is congenial, but not very clear arranged. Staffcloud brings all channels together and becomes your communication hub.
Get rid of the paper work
Get rid of the paper work
Lists as far as the eye can see. Team lists, timesheets or reports for the boss. Use the possibilities of digitalisation to get rid of the list chaos.
Request availability for each assignment
Whether a job takes a day or several weeks, it needs to be assigned to one or more staff members. Post the the job via your Staffcloud platform and automatically match it to employees who are qualified for the specified tasks.

Know capacities and schedule regular staff
Aside from temp staff, your team also includes permanent employees. Know their capacities and schedule them to work alongside your flex workers.

No more timesheets: Time tracking with one click
Customise how work hours are recorded, depending on assignment type. Staffcloud offers three different digital time tracking methods.

Put an end to payroll errors
Staffcloud ensures accurate payroll accounting and lets you analyse your HR costs with just a few clicks.

A carefree and structured start
We know what it means to change HR processes. We help you master this challenge.

Fast onboarding
With our software in the cloud, you can get started right away. We help you with your first steps. Our customer success team will guide you to ensure a quick and smooth start.

Connect your tools
When it comes to APIs, the possibilities are endless. Connect Staffcloud to your existing systems for payroll, invoicing, project management or time tracking. Use our open API.

Data Security
Your data is managed and stored in one of the safest data centres in the world in Frankfurt. This centre is, among others, C5, ISO 9001, 27001, 27017 and 27018 certified. Additionally, we comply with EU data protection legislation (GDPR).